About Dungeon Shook

Dungeon Shook is a newsletter about power, political economy, race, and culture. It features opinion journalism, interviews with compelling people, and whatever else interests me and my co-conspirators.

The title is inspired by the seminal James Baldwin essay "My Dungeon Shook: Letter to my Nephew on the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Emancipation."

Some Stuff About Me

Dungeon Shook is written and curated by yours truly, Rodney Foxworth, a recovering journalist turned entrepreneur, business consultant, and investor.

A young(er) version of me, “appearing” smart and persuasive.

In a past life, I freelanced as a reporter and culture critic for several defunct newspapers (RIP local journalism), most often writing about the intersection of politics, culture, race, and the economy. More recently, I’ve written about philanthropy, power, and social economy in publications such as Boston Review, Chronicle of Philanthropy, Next City, Nonprofit Quarterly, and Stanford Social Innovation Review. I’ve also blogged infrequently, writing things like “The Need for Black Rage in Philanthropy” and “Wealth Inequality and the Fallacies of Impact Investing.”

I’m occasionally mistaken as someone with interesting or revelatory things to say and have been quoted in media such as Christian Science Monitor, Forbes, Inc., MarketWatch, The New York Times, and Vox. I’ve spoken at Aspen Ideas Festival, Clinton Global Initiative, Skoll World Forum, National Association of Black Journalists, Global Philanthropy Forum, among other stages, addressing consequential topics such as monopoly market power, economic racism and racial wealth inequality, and institutionalized discrimination in philanthropy.

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Meditations on power and political economy, race and culture.


Do-gooder. Impact investor. Writer.